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Copy of diary of 1st Lt. SAM CONSTANTINO:

Wednesday - March 10, 1943:

My crew and I took off from Atar at approximately 11:30. Everything was in good working order until we got 50 min. out. Then the oil gave way in the left engine. My oil pressure was dropping so I notified the leader of the flight of the fact. He insisted I turn back by myself and to take a course of 216 [[degrees]]. He informed me that it would take me an hour to get back. I told him I had no radio compass and that I would turn back.

At approx. 12:40 I turned to a heading of 216 [[degrees]] and flew with two engines for ten min. Then I had to fly on single engine - right eng. I exp. no particular difficulty in flying on one eng. I had 6000 ft. of altitude and now I was flying at 35000 ft. still at 216 [[degrees]] and doing about 180 to 200 mph ind.

I flew on one eng. for approx. one hr. and 40 min. never getting sight of the field. I knew I had overshot Atar but I didn't know how much. By this time I was totally lost.

My right eng. began spouting oil and the oil pressure began to drop, so I knew I had better set down some place while I still had a chance. The boys Weidner and Gun Petchal stuck with me and I made a crash landing wheels up.

We were very fortunate to be alive as the plane was pretty well damaged. We fixed our injuries as best we could and fixed a place to sleep.

Up to this moment we have plenty of water, rations, first aid, blankets, etc.

Thursday - March 11, 1943:

Needless to say we ache in every bone in our body. We didn't get much rest.

We spent most of the day fixing a better place to sleep and to make ourselves more comfortable quarters. We are situated under the left elevator, mosquito bar and all.

Petchal went out to reconnoiter. He climbed the top of a nearby hill and went on for several miles. He said that from what he could see through the field glasses, there was a settlement at the base of the next hill. We are going to explore further tomorrow.

We have been trying to rouse Atar tower on our plane radio. We believe our position is South & East of Atar between 50-100 miles. We don't know what luck we are having with it though.

We have connected our emergency radio also and have been grinding away on it. I hope we have some luck with it.

Morale is high and we are taking things easy.

Friday - March 12, 1943:

Lt. Weidner & S/Sgt Petchal got up at 7:00 o'clock, had an early meal and went to explore south of here. They wouldn't let me go along, said I was too weak. So I patiently waited for news.

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