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[[underline]] Jan 4-44 [[/underline]] [[underline]] Misamari [[/underline]]

Finished collection of data for Transition program - Wrote rough draft of check list for transition training.

Finished rough draft of "Supervision System - Pilot" -

Whit's schedule system seems to be working fine. Everyone working hard today so as to get out their quote. Another advantage of the sked scheme is that it forces everyone to concrete, specific thinking. In order to put down the time when a certain project will be finished, it is necessary to crystalize the project into a few words which are adequately descriptive. The scheme combines a project assignment sheet with a schedule and flow sheet.

Airplane supposed to be finished from 100 hour inspection today. Asked Stoner to make utilization chart and utilization report form. Now looks like ship will not be ready until late tonight.

Lt. Andrews (Chief Pilot) has not yet shown up today.

(Curtiss Tech Rep)
Fava ^and White started today on preparation of the ground aircraft familiarization program.

Doing much better on production today. Several small procedures roughed out. It becomes evident, however that I will have to teach people how to write procedures. -- Present procedure for writing procedures is for any appropriate individual to write a very rough draft of the facts, then for Major Page to put that into shape for me to revise.