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Suggested following plan for keeping track of operations.
[[six column table]]
[[column headings]]
|Trip No.|Est Dep Time|Actual Dep Time|Reason for Delay|A/C No|Crew|
[[first three columns are noted "From Optns"; Reason column noted "from Line"; A/C No noted "from Engineering"; Crew column noted "from Chf Pilots"]]
| 1 |08.00|08.05| :05 [[strikethrough]]wx[[/strikethrough]]Mech|228|{Robbins Meglas|
| 2 |08:30| 12:00|3:30 WX|443|{Jones James|
| 3 |09:00|  -  |[[blank]]|[[blank]]|[[blank]]|
| 4 |09:30|  -  |[[blank]]|[[blank]]|[[blank]]|
[[/six column table]]
[[date between two lines]]1/7/44[[/date between two lines]]
[[note below table with arrows pointing up to the Reason for Delay column]]Provides means for analyzing reason for delays and putting staff work where it belongs.[[/note below table pointing up to Reason for Delay column]]