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Lt. MacTigue of sector talked to me about approval of the procedures. He thinks that we should get all this stuff written and then he should rush up to sector, get it coordinated and approved and bring it back here before the conference ends. I refused to operate that way on the basis that it woul take too long to get approval. I said we would issue the tentative procedures to the Chief Pilots and put them into operation, then would get approval.

Col Davasher (new Wing C of S.) and Col Baker, (new Wing Operations) called this afternoon. I barely got word in time. I gave them the whole story of the need for standard procedures, the lack of standardization and training here, showed them what I had done, etc. I took an unusually firm stand for me on the matter of getting things accomplished. At the end of my discourse they both stated that they thought I was on exactly the right track and ordered me to carry on. They both gave me verbal authority to stay longer than my temporary duty orders permit if necessary to finish this conference in an orderly manner. Both of them think these procedures should be approved by Wing HQ and issued xx from there.

Col. Davasher said he would get a letter out to me tomorrow [[strikethrough]]or next day[[/strikethrough]] regarding his desires, but that if I don't hear from him, I am to return to Delhi after the conference is over and discuss moving the office to Delhi. I told them about our plan to conduct a similar conference in Western Sector. About the need for similar organization in Maintenance, Communications, etc. They concurred. I also stressed the fact that the success or failure of the activity will depend directly on the support that is given by higher authority. They state that they intend to see that proper support is given.