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[[underline]] 1/27/44 [[/underline]]   EnRoute Misamari

Not necessarily in chronological order:
Gave each conferee two instrument Take-offs and two normal landing patterns - Helped a lot in gaining their confidence - Next time must do more of this - Found out later that all members of c. were scared they were going to get a flight test. Wish I had given one -

Instrument take-offs revealed faulty power reduction procedures and no reference to instruments. Believe could be cause of T.O. accidents - 

Found considerable slowing down of conference about 4th day - Probably because procedure writing not going well. - I learned two things

1. Can't get conferees to write so many procedures-

2. 9 days is two long. Should not be more than 4 to 5 days- Better to break subjects down -

Page got sick and office organization too poor to get procedures written before conference broke up. Adjourned evening of6th day (Sat. Jan 23rd) -

At conferees' request, took them all home except Capt Herrell and Capt warwick. They stayed to help finish up procedures -