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Feb. 9th  Delhi.

Talked with J. Roe (Baker out of town) re implementation of Gaya school - He agreed on one new C-46A and will try to get one C-47 for us - Also on minimum personnel - Thinks we should get personnel as much as possible from new people coming in - I agree but will need few well experienced people from sectors.

Talked with personnel and S + S. All cooperative - P. will request Stoner Power & DePaul -

S & S say supplies should come through Station.

Lt Kelly - Ordnance - no help on vehicles.

Capt. Moseley (Wing Maintenance) will divert next C-46 thru Delhi for me. I will pick up and fly it [[strikethrough]] tho [[/strikethrough]] to Chabua for delivery of cargo then assume control of it.

Raised the devil because noboddy would help on requisition for T.Os 30-100 - Got some results with Col. Smith (S & S) - Find he is ex-Albuquerque.

Helped Fisher rewrite functions of Sector training O. for Wing Org. chart.

Wrote long letter to ADM in evening.