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Have been completely disgusted with Wing H.Q. - Some people working hard but most are loafing and enjoying the luxury of Delhi - Official office hours are 8:30 to 12:30 and 2:00 to 5:30 - Few people there on time One officer told me I was working overtime at 12:25 because they stop at 12:20 to get ready to quit! Practically no work done in one big office all day. One major and other officers spent whole day going over personnel pix, going out for coffee, reading newspaper, and discussing social affairs.

Checked weather article with Roe. He agrees on fact it would scare pilots. However, Fisher points out that if we do not publish it, Sector has good alibi for weather crashes. I will try to get Sector WX O. to come to Gaya and rewrite.

Was notified my plane was in Delhi. It is C-46A #42 3628. Was given written assignment of it.

Spent evening with Page at Imperial. Decided to have him move permanently into Delhi in order to follow up our interests in Delhi.