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Feb. 15, 44   Gaya.

   Checked th3e offi ce this morning.  De Paul was getting started toward lining up the office.  Need furniture, equipment, light globes, etx.  Have ample office space but would prefer it to be away from the flying line account interruptions.

   Went over miscellaneous stuff with DePaul. -- Sgt. Sonnenestain reported in from 10th Combat Camera Unit.  He is on indefinite detached service.  Talked over methods of using his services.  He is experienced in making documentary material. -- Looks like best use for him will be on photographic reports and history. -- Training aids will also be valuable, however.  Am taking him to Chabua with me to pick up any shots possible pending development of our unit.

   How about title "Operational Training Unit--[[?Id]] a China Wing -- ATC"?

   Am experimenting with writing up my diary, etc. in the air on the mill.  Air is turbulent which seems to increase tendency to skip.

^[[Delvd 12000 lbs to Chabua -
Stayed at Polo Grounds - Championship (Valley) Boxing there -
[[underlined]]Feb. 16-44[[/underlined]]
   Arranged with Capt Tilney (Chabua eng. officer) and with Col Shroeder (Sector Eng. Ofcr.) to do acceptance check and hundred hour inspection on 628. Both reluctant to do it account ship not assigned to them.  Must get set up for own work as soon as possible.
  Talked with Higgins of Air Traffic Control re new traffic plan - Believe detailed survey should be made of how it will work - This can be done by getting the arrival & departure sheets from each station for one day and retracing all flights to find density at terminals.  Am mostly concerned about let downs.