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Talked with Charlie Skannal - He says he thinks over confidence is part of trouble. Quoted pilot of C-87 who jumped out a/c being lost. Pilot had not looked at his maps - Had not made any effort to reduce gas Consumption when he knew he was lost. etc Skannel had no additional suggestions beyond more careful supervision by chief pilots - more training in route procedure use of Flight Plans & log sheets - etc - and weeding out personnel who cannot be trained. 

  Picked up sample F.P. + Log Sheet cards -

[[underline]] Must [[/underline]] get something established!

February 20.    (Sunday)

Went across the Hump with Capt Harrel on Friday night and Saturday morning. See separate letter for difficulties encountered in getting away. Certainly nee somde organization here for. operations. Ne coordination exists. Believe scheduling, and procedures with close supervision would accomplish the purpose. Wish I could work on the problem, but must stick to training.

Harrel's check ride very disappointing. Expected him to do better. I guess I will have to [[underline]] teach [[/underline]] him how to do it, then letx him teach the others. Maybe I will learn that every procedure must be carefully worked out (organized) first, then taught to the head man of the department (deputized) then checked by checking the people who are actually doing the work.

I akz have been flattered that so many people want to work with me at Gaya. I find however that many of them want to get away from the Hump to valley level flying. Asked Capt. Morris at Mohanbari if he would like to work for me. He wants to think