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submit it to him, then he would throw whole weight of his office inot the job.

Talk with Major Fisher re logic of various publications including operations manual, regulations, STPs, Engineering Manual, Pilot's Handbook, etc.

Coordinated Pilot - Flight Surgeon - Personnel Equipment Officer, with Chief Pilot (Clayton Joyce) He agreed on getting them in for May 8th. 

Joyce said he is setting up a master instrument board. I showed him the one that is already set up.

Felt a little constraint on part of Joyce. Wonder if he is jealous of what we have been doing. Hope not. Assured him that training of pilots is his job. We will help in any way necessary.

Payed respects to Gen Hardin. He received me very kindly. Col. Geo. Gardner, was there. He is now Dep. Commander of the North African wing. At Gen Hs request, I talked over entire training problem with him. Gave him a copy of our big report (first quarterly.). Told him we would be very glad to cooperate in any way. Even to extent of coming over for visit if Gen. H. approves.

Was supposed to call Col Gar[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]dner re transport to Gaya tomorrow morning but was not able to get. him. Did not go to see Flickenger re mss, therefore [[strikethrough]]didnot[[/strikethrough]] did not know that Gardner had left word with him tkz as to his leaving time. Balled the whole business up.

Oh yes. When [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] I visited the General, he said "I have a complaint against you, Mountain. You have been given credit for reducing the accident rate to zero when you know damn well we can't maintain that!" I [[strikethrough]]offerd[[/strikethrough]] grinned and offered to arrange a few accidents this month, he said wait until next month and maybe we will have some.