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Now follows a breakdown of the operations department at this station:

The Senior Flight Operations Officer should have an administrative assistant, who will handle the routine administrative work and such other administrative duties as the operations officer may direct. The primary duty of the administrative assistant is to relieve the operations officer of so called "desk work" which is time consuming and to free the operations officer so that he may act in his executative and over all policy making duties. The administrative assistant will have sufficient subordinate officer and enlisted personnel in order to adaquately discharge his assigned duties.

The Senior Flight Operations Officer should have commissioned assistants known as "Dispatchers" whoseprimary duty is to supervise the dispatching of aircraft at this station. The dispatcher will operate on a 24 hour basis daily and have adaquate personnel, officers and enlisted men, to properly carry out his assigned duties.

The dispatcher will:
1. Be directly responsible to the operations officer.
2. Sign all clearances
3. Sign all lond computations
4. Post all entries on the arrival and departure wall board
5. Send all PX messages
6. Keep up the daily aircraft movement log
7. Keep hourly laison with the weather officer or more frequently if the situation warrants same.
8. Close the field when climatic conditions warrant and reopen the field when conditions improve
9. Keep Notams, pilots warnings, etc up to date and current
10. Maintain close laison with the briefing officer
11. Issue written instructions to the tower on procedures to be followed
12. Maintain sufficient officer supplies, and Air Force forms for adaquately discharging his assigned duties.
13. Turn over to the administrative assistant records and forms of operations in order that the administrative assistant will be able to promptly and efficiently preform his assigned duties.
14. The dispatcher will preform other duties as the Operations Officer may direct.