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- Page Four -

The following is a general outline on procedure to be followed by operations in meeting aircraft arriving at this station: AAF regulations and all Air Force directives require the pilot to present himself to the weather office and check [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] available weather data including reports of pilots who have recently flown over the route he is about to embark upon. The weather Officer is making a simple yet complete form for all pilots to fill out while in the weather office which will give the weather encountered over the/just flown. These route weather reports from pilots will be available to other pilots and to the forecaster which will materially improve the accuracy of forecasting.

1. Operations will meet all incoming aircraft and bring the pilot and his papers to operations where the pilot will be given a clearance and he will then go to the weather station. While the pilot is checking his weather the operations clerk will complete the load computation and other necessary forms. The pilot will return to operations and have his clearance, load computation and other necessary forms signed and then will be taken to his plane or to the Red Cross.

2. The refueling situation need not be changed: The refueling until can be notified the total gas required when the pilot is picked up and if this is impossible account of weather and or close loading refueling can be notified by phone or when the pilot is brought back to his plane.