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May 16.       Gaya
I don;t know how tht time goes by so fast:  But what with the base and school both, I certainly haven't had time for anything:
The conference of the Chief Pilots, Personal Equipment Officers, and the Flight Surgeons seemed to accomplish a good deal.
Major Joyce seemed to be antagonistic when he first came in but seemed to get into a better frame of mind before he left.
Latest dope is personality clashes in the camp.  Maj. Page and Capt Hafkenschield do not get on together.  Must work out a scheme for correcting that sort of thing.
Col. White and Col. Hughes visited yesterday and day before.  Col White made a speech to AACS school.  Col Hughes argued about our methods of teaching pilots.  He feels that C-46s should be landed three point.  It all turned out well though, in that his three point landing is actually a slow wheel landing.  He approved our style and we all agreed that the difficulty lies in not getting the word passed down to the ultimate pilot. 
Persistent rumours from Calcutta that the training department is in the dog house.  Have tried for three days to get down there but have had to post pone it each time.  Must get the rumors spiked.
Herb Fisher came through during the Chief Pilot's conference.  Had several arguments with him.  I feel that the matter of his taking a ship out to teach pilots how to fly was poorly coordinated.  Also it is the wrong principal.  That is, to go into a base and teach a few pilots how to fly is not the right idea.  Better to go into the base and teach the Chief Pilot and Check pilots how to fly.  Then have them pass the word on to the pilots.
Col.       and Lt. Col. McCall came in yesterday evening to look over the station.  McCall very sympathetic and understanding.  Explained the whole school set up to him last night.