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[[and a handwritten note]] Lt Col [[underline]] Mountain [[/underline]] [[/and a handwritten note]]


25 May 1944.


SUBJECT: Report on Weight and Balance Conference held at Gaya 22 May 1944.

TO: Lt. Col. Charlie F. Skannal, Ass't Chief of Staff, Operations.

1. The conference had been called for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the various Station Weight and Balance Officers, Regulations just published which define duties and responsibilities of Weight and Balance Officers and which establish the relationship between Weight and Balance and Priorities and Traffic; to discuss the objective of Weight and Balance program for ICW ATC and the plans for attaining this objective.

2. The Officers present and the Stations represented were are follows:

2nd Lt. John Gibbons Sta 7
Capt. Wright Taylor Sta 16
2nd Lt. Bryan Embry Sta 19
2nd Lt. Norman C. Dunbar Sta 6
1st Lt. Harry L. Dilite Sta 3
1st Lt. Joseph C. Glower Sta 5
2nd Lt. P.R. Rosenberg Sta 4
2nd Lt. L.E. Follis Sta 13
2nd Lt. H.N. Levin Sta 11
2nd Lt. G.C. Fullmer Sta 20
2nd Lt. W.T. Smalley Sta 10
2nd Lt. C.H. Geiger Sta 17
2nd Lt. W.M. Duvall Sta 9

3. Lt. Col. Mountain, Commanding Officer of Station 20 opened the conference with a talk describing the facilities of the Wing Training School, the importance of Weight and Balance, and the need for accurate weight, and balance control of aircraft. He cited instances from his own experience in which improper loading had nearly caused accidents.

4. Subjects covered at the conference were:

[[underline]] a. [[/underline]] AAF Reg. 55-3, dated 6 April 1944, ATC Reg. 37-24, dated 22 March 1944 and ATC Memo 20-1, dated 23 February 1944
