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3 [[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] [[handwritten]] June [[/handwritten]] 44   Gaya

Seems that I've neglected the log shamefully. However, will try to continue. Principal items follow:

Visited Wing HQ and talked long to Col. McCall re management of wing including training. -- Told him about rumors regarding training department. He suggested I tell whole story to General. -- Talked to General. Told hims some of xstory but not all. -- He reaffirmedthe importance of training. Said "If you encounter any more stumbling blocks, bring them to me and I'll kick them out of the way for you." He concurred in my proposal to put all Chief Pilots, Check Pilots, etc., throught the wingInstructor's School and certificate them. He siad "I thought you were doing that all the time". All of above in presence of Major Joyce, Wing Chief Pilot. -- Worked out policy with Joyce on putting pilots through. Joyce says will furnish personnel.

Decided must visit Wing HQ much more often. Visited twice last week. Will try to go not less than once per week.

Long talk with McCall regarding training of Ops. officers. He leans toward the model post idea. Skannal told Col White we were going to make Gaya a model post. -- The idea bolstered up morale on the post a great deal. Everybody working hard. -- Need more personnel.

Lt. Jesse Gibson seems to be turning out well. Seems to have initiative and resourcefulnes.. He is working on the Pilots' reference book.

Have been emphasizing iiea of getting a complete training program worked up for Chief Pilots. Developed incidentally was the idea of a paper on how to write training programs. -- This develops immediately into an idea for a book on how to apply the successful enterprise formula. i.e. Mission, Procedures, Training, Superision. Must work up an outline of such.

Halsmer is working out quite well in his department. May be possible to work him up to director of training. Told him I would try to train him as much. Think pergps I've been lax in training my immediate assistants. Maybe that is the reason for my difficulties with Page and White. Will try to organize and define their jobs better and then trainin them to do them.

Almost lost the Command of Gaya in Calcutta when I talked to the Gen. He felt that difficulties in the school were caused b y interference from the base. I got him to agree to let me alone for a little while.

Spent a little time whith Don White yesterday trying to get him straightened out in his department. All of his work seems to take too long. Also hs picture making seems to gee too amateurish. Maybe he needs some help.

Maj. Squaby Vine visited today to tell me plans on instrument landing equipment. It will be set up in Chabua first in order to prived a let down path for ships returning from the Hump. Then will set up complete equipment here at Gaya and stay with me long enough to train my instructors. -- He tried to depart for Calcutta but returned ac oil leak.

Worked most of day with Halamer on organization of his department. Made good progress.