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[[underlined]] June 8th [[/underlined]]

Wing people have [[strikethrough]] stand [[/strikethrough]] checked C-46 procedures - Park promises to expedite publication of revised procedures and will do it as a unit in sufficient quantities to distribute widely.

[[underlined]] June 9th [[/underlined]]

Worked all morning on C-87 cklist Park - Willey did som B 24 flying. Pusey went back to Calc.

Smithers (Lt) reported. He is Wing Link Trainer Officer.

Talked to base re malaria - 

Wing group thawing remarkably.

[[underlined]] June 10th [[/underlined]]

To Chabua in C-53 - Met Col. Arthur, Caulter - Walker & Gen Glenn - Afternoon spent getting party settled and plans made - Informal conference [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] w. Gen Glenn in evening. showed big problem in medical is getting supplies to docs -