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[[strikethrough]] CONFIDENTIAL [[/strikethrough]]


                     APO #192, % Postmaster,
                     New York City, N. Y.
          [[handwritten]] June [[/handwritten]]

SUBJECT: Wing Training Activities.

TO     : Commanding General, India China Wing, Air Transport Command, APO #192.

1. The undersigned is presently assigned to duties which are divided into three sections, each one of which is a big, full time job for a capable officer.

   a. One of these, the position of Wing Operations Training Officer, involves a great deal of traveling to stations of the wing for the purpose of supervising their training activities. It also should include a substantial amount of staff work in Wing Headquarters.

   b. Another of these, the position of Director of the Wing Instructors' School at Gaya, requires the constant presence of the undersigned at Gaya for the purpose of supervising the instructional work being performed there.

   c. The last of the jobs of the undersigned is that of Commanding Officer of Station #20. Because of the physical location of the station and the school, this job combines readily with that of Director of the Wing Instructors' School

2. It might be possible for one person to handle the supervision of the three activities described above provided that competent personnel is assigned in adequate numbers to perform the duties involved. This has been attempted. A station executive officer was assigned to Station #20 which resulted in fairly efficient operation of this portion of the activities. An administrative officer has been located in Wing Headquarters Operations Section for the purpose of maintaining liaison between Operations, the Wing Training Officer, and the Gaya School. This arrangement has not proved to be satisfactory. No personnel has been provided capable of acting as Director of the Wing Instructors' School.

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[[strikethrough]] CONFIDENTIAL [[/strikethrough]]