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June 29th, 1944   Calcutta
Talk with Skannal this morning regarding the plan on the MTU. I got the impression from him that he did not like it but could not get from him any specific criticisms. He said he would see the General this morning as to whether he wants to push the investigation of the school or whether he wants to wait awhile on it. 

Talked with Beaver who thinks the difficulty all comes from Willey, Park, and Beck.

Wrote letter for sig of CG ATC quoting organization chart of FD training organization at Long Beach.  Asked for personnel. 

[[underline]] June 30th [[/underline]]   Calcutta

Spent most of the day talking with 
members of Optns staff to get
material of recommendation on
organization & duties of Training
department. Wrote rough draft.
Col. Ray says gong to try to 
start sked dep at Misamari- Gave
him copy of my letter on skeds-
Wrote letter requesting relief 
from all training duty but did
not send out.
Visited Applegate. He seems to
be doing good job-
Returned to Gaya