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July 11th, 1944.

Returned to Gaya on July 8th.

On July 9th (Sunday) - met Capt. Gentry, new operations officer. Seems to be pretty much a ball of fire. Comparatively speaking, anyway.

Found we now have new Utilities Officer, Lt. Martin.

Long talk with Major Page. He feels he would be better used outside training section.

Need replacement for Capt. Wayne Moore.

On July 10th-- Talked with Lt. Seigle re their training program. Believe he is on the right track. Told him to produce rough draft of general training program to be issued immediately. Also discussed principals of breaking down a job such as Engine Change Crew.

Big Officer's meeting in morning. Laid down the law on military courtesy, odedience to regulations, dress, etc. Meeting in evening with first Sergeant and enlisted me to start off program.

xx Played volley ball in evening. Seemed all right, but got "Tennis Elbow" late that night.

On July 11th came to Calcutta (CM) in B-24. Made instrument approach on CM range. All OK but a ship cut in ahead underneath the 300 ft. cig. Tried to go around underneath, but finally had to repeat my approach.

In office found the Skannal had been relieved of xix Operations Officer and was replaced by McCall.