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International Exhibition, 1876
Disbursing Office of the U.S. Executive Departments,
No. 1735 F Street N.W.,
Washington, D.C., ^[[June 26th]], 187 ^[[6]]

To ^[[Prof. SF Baird,
U.S. Gov. Exhibition Building
Phila., Pa.]]


I have the honor to transmit ^[[2]] checks in payment of vouchers submitted by you.
^[[On acc' t of Smithsonian Institution,
Thos. J. Mott, $69.00

On acc't of Food Fishes,
Thos. J. Mott, $218.00]]

Very Respectfully, 
[[signature]] J S Conrad [[/signature]]
^[[Capt. 2d Inft'y]]
Bvt. Col. and Disbursing Officer.