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[[letterhead, 2 columns]]

[[column 1]]
Col. S. C. LYFORD, War Dept., Chairman
Hon. R. W. TAYLER, Treasury Department.
Hon. JOHN EATON, Interior "
Dr. C. F. MACDONALD, Post Office "
WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Esq., Agricultural Dept.
Prof. S.F. BAIRD, Smithsonian Institution, and
Commissioner of Food Fishes.
WM. A. DE CAINDRY, Secretary.
Col. JOSEPH S. CONRAD, U. S. A., Disb. Officer [[/column 1]]
[[column 2]] [[bold]] International Exhibition, 1876
Office of the Board on behalf of U.S. Executive Departments.
No. 1725 G Street N.W.,
[[italics]] Washington, D.C., [[/italics]] DECEMBER 27, 1875. [[italics]] 187 [[/italics]] [[/column 2]] [[/letterhead]]

My Dear Professor:
    I have read your letter on the Baronett specimens, and have shown it to General Belknap, the Secretary of War.  He thinks you are mistaken as to the comparative value of this and the Hayden Collection, as he understood Prof. Hayden to say that he had seen nothing like the Baronett samples ; However I have written to Mr. Baronett to put himself in communication with you, and you can ascertain if there is any value in the collection.
      Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant,
       [[signed]] S. C. Lyford [[/signed]] 
                   Chairman of Board.

Prof. S. F. Baird,           Representative of the Smithsonian Institution.