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[[stamped]]  Jan 25 1876 [[/stamped]]
[[letterhead, 2 columns]]

[[column 1]]
Col. S. C. LYFORD, War Dept., Chairman
Hon. R. W. TAYLER, Treasury Department.
Hon. JOHN EATON, Interior "
Dr. C. F. MACDONALD, Post Office "
WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Esq., Agricultural Dept.
Prof. S.F. BAIRD, Smithsonian Institution, and
Commissioner of Food Fishes.
WM. A. DE CAINDRY, Secretary.
Col. JOSEPH S. CONRAD, U. S. A., Disb. Officer [[/column 1]]
[[column 2]] [[bold]] International Exhibition, 1876
Office of the Board on behalf of U.S. Executive Departments.
No. 1725 G Street N.W.,
[[italics]] Washington, D.C., [[/italics]] January 24, 1876. [[italics]] 187 [[/italics]] [[/column 2]] [[/letterhead]]

Prof. S. F. Baird,
 Representative of Smithsonian Institution.

     Regarding the subject of labels for the government articles at the exhibition. I beg to inclose for your examination a sketch of a label which can be stereotyped and used by all the departments represented in this board -- A space being mortised in the middle of the stereotype-block in which type can be set to print the name of the department and bureau in each case, in the three different languages, the class and number of the articles to be written in by hand.
     The adoption of this stereotype-plate, [in three or more suitable sizes, say : 8" X  5" ; 6" X 3 3/4" ; & 4" X 2 1/2"] will insure absolute [[underlined]] uniformity [[/underlined]] in the matter of labeling government articles at the exhibition, thereby preserving distinctly the initial idea that all articles so labeled are contributed by the United States government, the department or bureau exhibiting the article being subordinated in all cases to that one general notion.
     Should any of the departments issue a catalogue of its materials, lengthy descriptions and detailed information can be given in it of its several articles and materials.  Very short descriptions might be written on the labels for the passing satisfaction of the less inquiring visitors.  Where deemed desirable, more lengthy descriptions might be printed and exhibited in the vicinity of the articles themselves.  
     Articles too small to be labeled separately with the official labels might be grouped together under one common label and a detached list and description be exhibited as above.
     A large sign displayed over each department in the building, giving the name of the department, will answer for indicating prominently the generical grand divisions of the whole exhibit, and will catch the eye on first entrance.
     I will thank you to give me your concurrence in the above, or the benefit of your views, at as early a day as practicable.
     Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant,
       [[signed]] S. C Lyford [[/signed]]
         Chairman of Board.