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[[letterhead, 2 columns]]

[[column 1]]
Col. S. C. LYFORD, War Dept., Chairman
Hon. R. W. TAYLER, Treasury Department.
Hon. JOHN EATON, Interior "
Dr. C. F. MACDONALD, Post Office "
WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Esq., Agricultural Dept.
Prof. S.F. BAIRD, Smithsonian Institution, and
Commissioner of Food Fishes.
WM. A. DE CAINDRY, Secretary.
Col. JOSEPH S. CONRAD, U. S. A., Disb. Officer [[/column 1]]
[[column 2]] [[bold]] International Exhibition, 1876
Office of the Board on behalf of U.S. Executive Departments.
No. 1725 G Street N.W.,
[[italics]] Washington, D.C., [[/italics]] February 15, 1876 [[italics]] 187 [[/italics]] [[/column 2]] [[/letterhead]]

Prof. S. F. Baird,
   Representative of Smithsonian Institution.
     Referring to communication to you of January 8, 1876, in relation to securing uniformity in labeling articles at the government building, I have to state that upon considering the diversified character of the materials to be contributed, and the wants of the various departments in the matter of labeling and description, I have concluded that uniformity cannot be preserved throughout the exhibition, and that therefore each department should be left to adopt such method of labeling as it may deem proper, the only quality of uniformity to be preserved being that of having all articles labeled in three languages, viz: English, French and German.
     Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant,
       [[signed]] S. C. Lyford [[/signed]]
        Chairman of Board.