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[[stamped]] Apr 28 1876 [[/stamped]]

[[letterhead, 2 columns]]

[[column 1]]
Col. S. C. LYFORD, War Dept., Chairman
Hon. R. W. TAYLER, Treasury Department.
Hon. JOHN EATON, Interior "
Dr. C. F. MACDONALD, Post Office "
WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Esq., Agricultural Dept.
Prof. S.F. BAIRD, Smithsonian Institution, and
Commissioner of Food Fishes.
WM. A. DE CAINDRY, Secretary.
Col. JOSEPH S. CONRAD, U. S. A., Disb. Officer [[/column 1]]
[[column 2]] [[bold]] International Exhibition, 1876
Office of the Board on behalf of U.S. Executive Departments.
No. 1725 G Street N.W.,
[[italics]] Washington, D.C., [[/italics]] April 29[[italics]] 187 [[/italics]] 6[[/column 2]] [[/letterhead]]

Prof S.F.  Baird
 Representative of Smithsonian Institution,
     I am in receipt of your communication of 26th inst. in regard to the use of the Office adjacent to the Fish exhibit in the Government Building. In reply I beg to state that the Offices in the building are sufficient in number to give each member of the Board an Office and to afford one office for the exclusive use of the Congressional Committee on the Centennial. I do not see, therefore, how, if the Fish Office is returned to you, the Congressional Committee can be accommodated without, [[insert]] ^ousting [[/insert]] some other member of the Board from his single office while you will be possessed of two.
      I do not propose to retain any of my officers in the Fish Office after the opening of the Exhibition.
  Can you not make some other arrangements for  office accommodations for your fish section?
   Respectfully, Your obedient servant
 [[signature]]S. C. Lyford [[/signature]]
Chairman of Board