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     Office of Chairman of Board on behalf U.S. Executive Departments

Circular      November 13th 1876
  I. In order to present theft and loss by the removal of articles by unauthorized individuals the Guards have been instructed to allow no package, parcel or article, except those in current service to be taken from the Building, except upon a written permit, signed by a responsible official Which permit will be taken up at the doors and be filed with Capt. John F. Rodgers , in charge of transportation by the Executive  Officer.-
  II. Articles and packages to be transported through Capt. Rodgers will be regularly turned over to him on the blank forms of Invoices and receipts prepared for the purpose and which can be had upon application to him. Packages and articles once formally turned over to him will be under his exclusive charge until delivery and destination.
 III. Materials may be turned over to Capt. Rodgers on the floors of the respective Departments When ready for shipment and all handling within the Building after being so turned over will, unless otherwise desired on account of fragibility be under his exclusive direction.- Precedence on loading on cars will be given to materials turned over to him.
 IV. Representatives of Executive Departments who desire to remove articles Which they do not wish to be transported through the transportation Office . will please issue written permits to the persons they may authorize to remove the same which permits will be taken up at the doors by the Guard as above.
V. Articles removed from the Building or transported in any other manner than as above indicated will be at the risk of the Representative to whose Department they  pertain-
  (signed) S.C. Lyford
      Bt Lt Col. Chairman of Board
 [[?]] + Executive Officer
Copy respectfully furnished for the information of the Representative of the Smithsonian Department