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[[preprinted]] Board on behalf of U. S. Executive Departments at International Exhibition, 1876.—Act of Congress of March 3, 1875.
[[line across page]]
International Exhibition, 1876.
War Department Exhibit--Ordnance Section
U. S. Govt. Building, Exhibition Grounds.
[[strikethrough]]Office, No.3517 Hamilton Street,
PHILADELPHIA, PA., ^[[May 26th 1876.]]

[[boxed in left corner]]
War Department Exhibit.
Col S. C. LYFORD, U. S. A.,
Representative of the War Department at the Exhbition.
In charge of Ordnance Section, War Department Exhibit.[[/boxed in left corner]]

Prof S.F. Baird,
Representative Smithsonian Institution
Government Building.


I have the honor to enclose herewith, for your approval, vouchers of John Monroe, amounting to $26.00 for frosting glass and glazing lights in your Section of Government Building.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,

[[signed]]] Henry Metcalfe [[/signed]]
1st. Lieut of Ordnance
Executive Officer.