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     March 21" 6~
 A.N. Towne Esq.
   General Superintendent
  San Francisco Cal.
Dear Sir:-
   I have agreed with the Representatives of the Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C.- to transports over our Roads, Twenty -five (25) tons of freight during the year 1876, free of charge ; and you will please instruct the local freight agents to receive and forward without charge, all goods in packages of reasonable size and securely bound addressed to "Spencer F. Baird or Joseph Henry Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C." or simply "Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C." up to the amount above mentioned say Twenty five (25) Tons. The goods should be shipped via the Union Pacific, Chicago, Burlington + Quincy, and Pennsylvania Rail Road to Washington D.C.-
     Very truly yours
        C P Huntington
             Vice Prest