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 The Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore Rail Road
    Philadelphia March 17 1876
Prof. Spencer F. Baird
 Ass't Sec'y Smithsonian Institute
  Washington, D.C.   Dear Sir
    I take pleasure in handing you the orders for the case of your Centennial articles as per conference of yesterday, signed by Pres't Hinckley and endorsed by General Manager Thomson or the Balto. and Potomac R.R. He will have at our shops early in the week, subject to your requisition, five cars fitted with peach shelving one of which (for passengers train use) is a new baggage car with monitor prof, 51 feet in length, 9 feet in width, 6 3/4 feet in height.
  Very respectfully
    H F Kenney , Sup't
       By H O Keyes