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[[preprinted]] International Exhibition, 1876.
[[short line]]
Bureau of Transportation for U.S. Executive Departments.

Philadelphia, ^[[September 9th]] 187^[[6]]

Col. S.C. Lyford, U.S.A.
Chairman of Board on behalf of United States Executive Departments.

Capt. John F. Rodgers, U.S.A.
In charge of Bureau of Transportation [[/preprinted]]

Professor Spencer F. Baird
Rep. Smithsonian Institution Int. Ex.

Dear Sir -

In answer to your communication of the 8th inst. I have the honor to enclose for your information a statement of bills presented by carriers for freight for your Department and for which accounts have not yet been made up. The amounts due the Pennsylvania R.R. Co. and the O.W. & B. RR Co, aggregates 99.55

You will observe that out of the total of twenty two (22) bills ($555.16) I have received advices of the freight represented by but seven only (amount $250.68) The others are not on record in this Bureau and no data has ever been received to enable me to audit and make up the accounts.

I may mention, in this connection, that I have on file the Pennsylvania Company's and the OW&B Co's offers to return [[underlined]] free [[/underlined]] all freight shipped to the Exhibition over their Roads

Very respectfully yours
[[signed]]John F. Rodgers[[/signed]]
Capt. in charge Bureau