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& enclosures

[[print]] Department of the Interior,
OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS [[/print]] [[overlapping]] 478 [[/overlapping]]

2000 ~ [[?]]

[[print]] Washington, D.C., [[/print]] June 1st[[print]], 187[[/print]]6

[[print, vertical]] JUN 5 1876 [[/print, vertical]]

Prof. S. F. Baird.
Smithsonian Institute,
I am in receipt of a letter dated the 30th ultimo, from Stephen Powers Esq. enclosing duplicate account for two months salary, from March 20th, to May 19th inclusive. @ $ 125 [[underlined]]00[[/underlined]] per month. Mr Powers states that he was appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, a Special Commissioner for a two-fold purpose., viz, to make a collection illustrative of Indian life, habits etc: for the Centennial Exhibition, and also, with the understanding that he might collect and write out additional material for a work on the California Indians, which is soon to be published as a part of the reports of the U.S. Geological and Topographical [[?]]