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[[underlined]] Uvalde [[/underlined]]  

& there is often thick timber of Pecan, elm, Celtis & live oaks.  At Sabinal the river is bordered with numerous large cypress trees ([[strikethrough]] Cupres [[/strikethrough]] Taxifolium distichum).

The country is gorgeous with flowers in masses - Coreopsis, Oenotheras, Rudbeckias, Helianthus & Helianthellas?, Callarhoes, Argemone, Phlox & Lupines.  Grass is good.  Pastures are larger.  Houses & towns few.

[[underlined]] May 16: Uvalde. [[/underlined]]  Drove out several miles west of town and to the creek east.  Took some photos and notes on plants & birds.  Expected to take train to Del Rio but it was 5 hours late so waited over another day for Oberhalser - who was to meet us here yesterday.

The rains have made the roads very muddy & bad & filled the streams so many of them are not crossable.  8 inches of rain has fallen in 2 days.