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[[underlined]] Aug. 4. [[/underlined]]

Started down S. Fork American R. Steep, jagged granite ridges on both sides, big meadows & Abis magnifica & P. murrayana forest for a few miles, then steeper grade & narrower gulches & more rocky country until we passed through The Gate at Echo (Strawberry Valley), then gentler slope but narrow gorge to Slippery Ford, where we camped. 
Echo at 55000 feet, marks beginning of Transition zone on west & S.W. slopes P. ponderosa, lambertiana, Lebocedius, & the whole set of Tranistion trees & shrubs begin abruptly & the Canadian species - Abies magnifica, P. murryana & monticola - stop.
The 3 upper species of Eutamias were not seen below Echo, but E. quadrimaculatus began & was common. Sciurus fassor & [[strikethrough]] digger [[/strikethrough]] S. beecheyi also became common.
Slippery Ford is 4000 feet & on S.W. dry slope a few traces of Sonoran begin to appear - Ceonothus integerrimus and one or two bushes of Arctostaphylos viscida were seen. In general still pure Transition.