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side slopes & here & there open, grassy side hills occur. There are no trails except of game & one old [[strikethrough]] trace of a [[/strikethrough]] camp under a sheltering rock was all we saw of mans traces on the mountain. Fires had run & spoiled some of the fine old cypresses but the whole top part of the mts. have an untouched appearance. The side slopes are so steep as to make it difficult if not impossible to get a horse up to the top plateau
We had a good view over the Rio Grande valley & up the Grand Canyon but the [[strikethrough]] weather [[/strikethrough]] air was not clear. A rain on the way up cleared the mountain air but left the valleys still in blue haze.
Deer tracks & trails were numerous & we started some of the deer but in thick brushy places where we could hear them jump but could not see them. Bear signs were abundant & often fresh [[underline]] Lepus holsneri [[/underline]] evidently ranges all over the mountains & is a woods rabbit. Their signs were common on top. Found Microtus runways & set squat-traps on them but caught nothing. Shot a few birds.