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the country is excessively rough & rocky & all of black, jagged lava ridges & peaks, very barren & rough - hot looking.

We found water at intervals all along Rough Run but no more until we reached Terlingo Creek at noon below the badland country & below where Rough Run joins it. Here we found a stream of running water (most of the way) with pools & deep enough to swim in & big cottonwood trees scattered along the banks in the wide, mesquite valley.  Stopped for lunch in the first shade we have seen, except of one tree at Nevel Spr., since leaving the Chisos Mtn. Camp 8 days ago.  Fed the horses on mesquite beans & had a bath in fairly clean water.  Found a Tornillo (Prosopis pubescens) near our camp.  Have come about 16 miles.  After lunch we followed up Terlingo Creek a mile to Mexican Rancharillo & then turned west over the ridge 

Transcription Notes:
"Terlingo Creek" (twice on page) is probably "Terlingua Creek", but I left it as written. Nevel Spr. should also probably be "Neville Spr." but left as written.--thomasc