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The late rains over the Davis Mts. have started the grass & plants so the country looks fresh & green as spring.
There is good grass all through the canyon & strange to say there are no ranches in the good parts of it. There are beautiful places to camp but we saw no campers.
The vegetation is almost entirely upper sonoran - Oaks, junipers, ash, cottonwoods, willows, Mimosa biuncifera, a few Sapindus, cactus, yuccas & Dasylirion. The big Agavas grow on rocky slopes all down the canyon.
Where the canyon opens out just before the Toyah road leaves it the vegetation changes to Lower Sonoran, with abundance of Mesquite, Acacia borealis?, A. constricta, Zizyphip, Lippia etc. Upper Sonoran species are again nixed in over the ridge east of Star Peak but as we come out onto the flat valley above Toyahvale the full set of Lower Sonoran plants are met with including Larria, Koeberlinia, Krameria [[canesoms??]] & others.  Also Cactus wrens & their nests. Texas night hawks & many Amphispiza bilineata