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[[underline]]Aug. 6[[/underline]] - Surber & Fuertes returned from Carlsbad in evening.

[[underline]]Aug. 7[[/underline]] - Broke camp in morning & moved west about 5 miles to a rain pool at Queens ranch & camped on top of ridge. In P.M. went horseback down into Sitting Bull Canyon to the falls at Mr. Aars ranch to send out mail. Saw a wild turkey.
Found a deep canyon with a fine spring & stream of good water, lots of trees & birds, a beautiful little fall, & interesting old indian camp ground. Got back at dark

[[underline]]Aug. 8[[/underline]] - I remained at camp to let Surber & Fuertes do some hunting, but neither got anything.

[[strikethrough]] [[underline]]Aug. 9 [[/underline]][[/strikethrough]]  -

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[[underline]]Aug. 9 [[/underline]] - Broke camp & continued west over the range & down into Dog Canyon, then up the canyon to mining [[strikethrough]] near a [[/strikethrough]] camp ^[[insertion]] near [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]]at[[/strikethrough]] south end.
Aneroid at morning camp read 6300; on summit (10 mi. W.), 6900; down Dog Canyon ^[[insertion]]5 mi. [//insertion]] to 6100; up Dog Canyon ^[[insertion]] 8 mi. [[/insertion]] to 6700 & camped half a mile north of Texas line at a little muddy rain tank. Came about 23 miles over good road except down the rocky slope into Dog Canyon. On top of plateau we found the same open, park like country with clean grassy spaces around the scattered, round topped, orchard like trees of Juniper, nut pine & oaks, with brush on rocky slopes & pinus ponderosa scattered in gulches & over ridges. Near the west  escarpment we met many desert species that came up the steep slope & ran over the edge - fields of Opuntia arborescens, yuccas & agavas & several species of cactus & a patch of Lissium like [[underline]] pallida [[/underline]].
The mountains are all limestone in regular strata dippping to the east & with an abrupt escarpment on the west where the edges of the broken strata