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Lepus arizonae - 410x64x98, [[female symbol]]

[[underlined]]July 16[[/underlined]] - Came about 22 miles on the Sonora road over high half open, brushy plains the same as around Rock Springs. and varying from 2400 to 2600 feet in altitude. At lunch camp the aneroid read 2500, the same as at Rock Springs, & at night camp 2600. About 10 miles west of Rock Springs we crossed a wide basin probably 100 feet lower than town & full of Lower Sonoran plants - lots of mesquite with nearly ripe beans, Acacia, 3 species, Berberis trifoliata, Ceanothus [[strikethrough]]Celtis pallida[[/strikethrough]], Zizyphus obtusifolia, [[strikethrough]]Dalia [[/strikethrough]] Condalia spathulata, Rhus microphylla, Ephedra moadensis?, Opuntia lepticaulis. Many Upper Sonoran species were scattered with them but the basin was mainly Lower Sonoran.

As we came upon the high ridge again most of these plants disappeared & scrub oaks, Rhus trilobata, Rhus virens, Rhus copallina lanceolata, Nolina texiana, Yucca rupicola, Yucca stricta? & here & there scattered [[strikethrough]] Amorpha ca [[/strikethrough]] Sophora secundiflora, Diospiros texicanus, & an occasional mesquite.

As we get farther back into the plains mesquite & other lower Sonoran

Transcription Notes:
"Opuntia lepticaulis" = Opuntia leptocaulis "Diospiros texicanus" = Diospyros texicanus - nwmath