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[[underlined]] To Rio Grande [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]July 25.[[/underlined]]- Packed specimens & sent off 10 packages by mail - Got Hollister & started south to the Rio Grande & camped near the river 8 miles south of Comstock. 

Set the aneroid at Comstock by station level - [[strikethrough]]1710[[/strikethrough]] ^[[1550]] - at camp it read [[strikethrough]]1450[[/strikethrough]] ^[[1160]] about 50 feet above the river - [[strikethrough]]probably reading too high[[/strikethrough]].  The country drops away gradually without cliffs or gulches until near the river where there are interrupted cliffs of limestone full of big caves & hollows. 

We soon leave Dasylirion & Nolina & near the river valley strike ^[[Mesquite again]], Larrea, Acacia constricta and in the rocky gulches near the river lots of Pistac[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]ia mexicana & Nicotiana glauca along the sandy shore.

The sandy flats along the river are covered with big mesquites, hackberry and ^[[mexican persimmons &]] brush, in places open, shady woods and again a jungle of thorns.  The soil is rich & mellow. A crop of ripe mesquite beans lies on the ground under the trees & the trees are again loaded with nearly full grown pods.

The river is high & backs into all the side gulches where we can get fairly good water that does not stink much.