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[[underlined]]to Roswell[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]Sept 17[[/underlined]] – Got an early start & reached Roswell at 1 P.M. – 23 miles, Down hill nearly all the way & good road over grassy plains.
Aneroid at camp 5000, at Roswell 4000

No zone plants on open country, but mesquites in gulches & rough slopes. Apparently mainly Lower Sonoran as all of the upper Sonoran species have vanished.

For 6 or 8 miles out from Roswell the ground is covered with weeds & Gutierrizia, all of the grass having been killed out by over grazing. A flock of about 2000 sheep at the water 6 miles out from town have made a dusty desert of the region

About 15 miles out we saw 3 big wolves some 600 yards off on the prairie. They look like antelope as they stood looking at us but at a rifle shot ran with great speed over the prairie

In P.M. Packed & shipped specimens at Roswell & camped 3 miles north of town at Mr. Urtons

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[[underlined]]Sept.18.[[/underlined]] Camped over the day at Mr. Urtons ranch to get our outfit separated & reports & letters written.

[[underlined]]Sept.21[[/underlined]] Left Roswell at 9:15 A.M. Larrea & Mesquites are abundant on the rough slopes & valley sides near the Pecos River but no Larrea seen after getting well out of the narrow valley onto open plains & mesquites become scarce & dwarfed & mainly confined to gulch slopes. Beyond Campbelle (Station & Section house) at edge of open plain little mesquites was seen & shin oak is abundant as far as the sand dunes reach – about to Portalis.

The country is mainly brown with tall Andropogon which is the conspicuous grass as far as the sandhills reach, or to about Portalis & on some south slopes beyond. As we come higher up on the plains the characteristic short grass carpet is almost the only vegetation.

It is hard to say where upper & lower Sonoran zones meet as they are mixed from Portalis to Roswell, but Lower Sonoran is mainly on warm slopes.