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mesquite, and the only conspicuous plants beside short grass are Yucca glauca, & Opuntia arborescens.

Near Cuervo we again find low mesquite & the usual set of birds & beasts that go with it at Santa Rosa. The gap where no mesquite grows is not over 10 miles wide and apparently the valleys come nearer together a little farther north.

Most of the day was cold & raw on the plains, but as we drove into the big amphitheater, which faces north, we were protected from the wind & the evening was warm & pleasant. The cove shows the sheltering effects in its flora & fauna, as it is largely filled with Opuntia arborescens & mesquite, the latter on local S.W. slopes. Also of Mockers, Amphispiza bilineata, & Neotoma micropus.
We took the horses up over the rim rock & pickited them on the plain about 400 feet above camp.

Found only a small rain pool, but have enough good water with us for the night