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   Returned to camp at 3 P.M. and intended to start back to near Cabra Spr to camp for the night, but a storm cloud rolled over us & in a few minutes it was raining hard, so we decided not to break camp and leave the shelter of junipers for the open plain. We were glad of the decision when the rain turned to a pelting hail storm and the dry wash in front of camp rose to a roaring torrent, and still more so when an hour later another hail storm struck us with a driving wind and hailstones as big as walnuts that tore our tent and wagon cover and stampeded the horses. One stone struck me on the back as I leaned too near the wall of the tent and nearly knocked me down. Surber hunted for the horses after the storm till dark but found no trace of them. All tracks were pounded out by the hail.
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