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valley is settled like a village.There is usually a big old ranch house with long walls and roomy court and out from it the houses grow smaller & smaller as if each generation merely multiplied the number of individuals as it divided the resources of support. The fields are cut up small and crops and fruit are cultivated in little patches. Children are numerous, usually black, dull, undeveloped & abortive in appearance and most of the people are either of poor stock or undeveloped. 

The crops seem to be mainly wheat, corn, alfalfa, garden vegetables, & fruit. Peaches, cherries, apples & plums were seen, but none were ripe & we could get no vegetables except a few little green onions. 

There is fairly good grass in the mesas, but they must have been very bare before the last rains. Numerous flocks of native goats were seen but not much other stock except burros.
Grain is threshed on circular threshing floors, seen at most ranches.