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[[underline]] July 21. [[/underline]] Divided our outfit & left the wagons with all unnecessary baggage in [[pencil underline]] Mr. Hannas Corral [[/pencil underline]], packed our outfit on the two team horses & a burro [[strikeout]]ow[[/strikeout]] and started up the trail toward the east side of Pecos Baldy. After about 10 miles and 2400 feet up we camped on [[pencil underline]] Jack Creek [[pencil underline]], 2 miles below its source on the east side of Pecos Baldy. 
The aneroid at Mr. Hanna's read 8100 and at camp 10,500 feet. 
After following up the main fork of the [[pencil underline]] Pecos [[/pencil underline]] about 22 miles we turned up a little stream in a deep gulch & climbed a steep slope to the open mesa top where the aneroid read 10200, then we had open grassy parks through beautiful spruce & poplar groves till we struck [[pencil underline]] Jack Creek [[/pencil underline]], up which we followed a mile or so in its grassy gulch till we found an ideal camp ground on the bench above the  creek, facing east with long grassy slopes before us, a winding meadow, and back of us a Picea & balsam grove so thick as to offer fine shelter.  
We can hear the creek roar & it is full of trout.