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[[underline]] 10 mi. S. of Mora [[/underline]]

Thomomys  3
[[ditto for Thomomys]]  1
[[ditto for Peromyscus]]
Spermophilus 13lin. pallidus  2
[[ditto for Spermophilus]]
[[ditto for Spermophilus]][[strikethrough]] lateralis, [[/strikethrough]] grammucus
Eutamias quadrivittatus
Lepus pinetus - seen by Surber
Canis latrans  heard around camp
Vespertilio fuseus  1 - com.
Procyon lotor, tracks along creek

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[[underline]] La Cueva [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Sept. 4 [[/underline]]. Remained over a day to do some trapping & for Weller to ride back to Las Vegas for the mail. Caught 4 Thomomys of apparently 2 species. 

[[underline]] Sept. 5 [[/underline]]. Moved on to Penasco Blanco but there turned off on the wrong road & went up to Rincon (now called Rosario), and had to go back via Penasco Blanco, then to Carmes & Mora, then back to La Cueva & camped at small pond 2 miles north of La Cueva. 
Drove over by La Cueva lakes but found no water birds & swarms of mosquitoes so did not camp there. Had a long days trip & camped late.

[[underline]] Sept. 6 [[/underline]]. Sunday. Pushed on & in about 3 miles came to Coyote, on Coyote Creek, & then followed up the creek till 1 P.M. & camped a mile below Guadalupita just opposite the fine old crater of Ocate at 7650 feet. We are almost out of Upper Sonoran zone, which clings to warm slopes & basin valleys still. Pinus ponderosa & other Transition plants predominate.