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[[underline]] Taos [[/underline]].

[[underline]] Sept. 21 [[/underline]]. Drove into Taos in forenoon, about 8 miles, got mail, did our trading and camped on Lacerro Creek about 6 miles north of Taos. Barometer at camp read 8100, at Taos 7000, at camp 7700. In coming down Taos canyon we began to strike junipers & nut pines on steep, bare, hot slopes at a little above 8100 feet, and pure upper sonoran on [[strikethrough]] hot [[/strikethrough]] S.W. slopes at 7800 feet.
The last trace of Transition zone on cold slopes was at 7500 feet.
The whole valley & country around Taos is Upper Sonoran, but Transition plants such as Populus angustifolia, Picea pungens, Abies concolor come down along the streams to our camp at 7700 in open valley.
The whole valley is arid and mainly covered with Artemisia tridentata, Bigelovia, Guterrizia, etc. except [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] along the stream bottoms or where fields are irrigated.