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[[underlined]] To Pueblo [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 7 [[/underlined]]. Reached La Junta soon after daylight & Pueblo about 7 A.M. got some good notes on plants between the towns & around Pueblo where we have to stay till 12:20 tonight for a train on D. & R.G. to Tres Rudros.

The country around Pueblo is very arid but the river valley is irrigated & covered with farms of alfalfa, corn, fruit etc. Apple & cherry trees are loaded with fruit. 

Out on the ridges just east of town the country is arid & desert like with Atriplex canescens & confertifolia the dominant shrubs over one slope, Opuntia arborescens over another, or Sarcobatus over dry bottoms.

The mts lie off to the west of town but on a long ridge to the N.E. [[strikethru]]are[[/strikethru]] is black timber, probably nut pine or juniper.

A lot of birds were found in the little park where water was running from the hydrants. Saw one Callipepla squamata.