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[[underlined]] July 14 [[/underlined]] Took a trip over valley for birds & got quite a lot of specimens. Wrote some but am half sick not very energetic.

[[underlined]] July 15 [[/underlined]]. Climbed over the slopes above camp, made up skins, wrote up notes & set traps.

[[underlined]] July 17 [[/underlined]] Took one Indian, Manuel, and went up the mts., following up to head of Lacerro Creek [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] as it comes out of Bear Lake at 1200 feet, then over the ridge above timberline overlooking the Indian's lake, from a point at 12700 feet, then down to Pueblo Creek and down it to camp. A hard days ride over glorious country with good notes along 2 lines of the mountain slope.

[[underlined]] July 18 [[/underlined]] Sunday. Made up specimens & wrote up notes.