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on the south, the Spanish Peaks & Sangre de Christo on the north, the Ratois [[strikethrough]] qu [[/strikethrough]] Sierra Granda away to the east, and endless numbers of craters over the plains to the west.

This southern end of the [[strikethrough]] Sangre d [[/strikethrough]] Cubbra range is a wide topped mass with usually one escarpment and broad slopes. You can ride all over the top, including the highest peaks, & over miles of grassy plain nearly 1000 feet above timberline. In fact, they are so open & accessable that herds of sheep have swept them almost bare of vegetation. The peaks are long swells with stony & sodded surface. The escarpments are mainly N. & E. on this part of the range with little lakes & meadows at their base near timberline. In one place at 13300 a big snowbank still remains.

Streams & springs come out around the base of the peaks & at the present time rain pools fill the depressions over the upper slopes.

The side slopes of the range are