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as the whole scene, but it went to your toes as effectually as that of a good orchestra. In trying to write it I got a queer [[medla??]]

Hā he hi' ha hi' ya ya

Hā he hā ' hä hä ya ya

Ah ah ah'  ah ah'  ah ah - gutteral

Hi i i'   i' i' i' i'  high falsetto

& so on with frequent changes & an occasional pause when the rattle lead. The time was perfect &  formed an even beat for the 6 steps front, 6 steps back of the dancers who stood facing 2 squaws & 2 bucks as close as they could without stepping on each others toes. In one squad the bucks placed a hand on the [[shoulder?]] of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] his partner, or sometimes both hands, but usually they

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danced without touching - back & forward - back & forward like the waves of the sea - a rhythmic swing. Probably 20 sets of 4 each (1 of only 2) were dancing in the corral at once & starting at different times the motions were also a medley - crossing irregularly.

The girls choose partners & two ushers go after & drag them from the crowd in ones or twos as the girls signify who they want. The chosen bucks hang back & go lame & try to escape but are yanked along & placed in front of the ones who chose them. The girls act embarrassed & cover their faces with their hands & the boys look sheepish till they get fairly warmed up to the dance. Some are awkward & others graceful & easy. The men wrapped to their noses in gay blankets, hats on, bells jingling from their leggins & only fringed mocasins showing below, the women wrapped in gorgeous shawls held gracefully around them