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here. The grass is big & untouched tho a few cattle were seen & a few little Mexican [[locals?]] were seen along the arroyo. Most of our road was through sagebrush valleys ranging from 7000 to 7500 feet in altitude, but in one place, a mile or two after starting we crossed a beautiful yellow pine ridge & in several places we traveled through juniper & nut pine country. We could see douglas spruce along the cold sides of the escarpment & extensive yellow pine forests covered the ridges on both sides of us. I should say half the country is yellow pine Transition, the other half nut pine & sagebrush Upper Sonoran. Am trying to map the zones & trees on the land office map but find the map gives little idea of the country.

Gallinas town is a Mexican settlement of a half dozen little adobe houses & the store & P.O. are in another little adobe half a mile beyond. The few little fields of grain would not make one good ranch.